I give to you, what yoga has given to me
Yoga Nectar was founded by Perry Lewis, who holds a teaching diploma awarded by the British Wheel of Yoga. With a love for India, the traditional home of yoga, Perry has attended a number of retreats in Rajasthan, Goa and Kerala where he greatly enhanced his practice and teaching skills.
Having worked in the City of London for many years, Perry experienced first-hand, how the practice of yoga helped him cope with the stresses and strains of life….and how a yogic physical, breath and mind practice enabled him to keep a clear and balanced mind no matter what crossed his path.
Perry has been practicing yoga for twenty years and been teaching for ten years. He passionately believes that the practice of yoga provides us all with tools to greatly increase the quality of our lives.
Yoga Nectar was founded to give you the tools to enhance the quality of your life . We do this through guiding you through physical, breath and meditation practices which you can incorporate into your daily lives. This is with view to providing you a sense of mental and physical wellbeing. So that when you leave one of our sessions, you will feel relaxed and energised and have an enhanced sense of wellbeing.
Try one of our courses - it will give you a renewed sense of purpose.